Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
The City of Hudson Common Council Events Committee is a committee appointed by the President of the Common Council.
The Committee makes recommendations to the Common Council on the use of the Events budget allocated by the City of Hudson BEA.
The Committee oversees approval of funding that support general promotion with a focus on events and projects that encourage the marketing of Hudson as a destination for overnight and day-trip visitors.For financial year 2023, the Events Committee is awarding a total of $30,000.00 in funding to support events and projects that align with the above-described remit. Applications for awards are being accepted in one phase for all events happening within 2023.
- All applications are due by March 15, 2023. Applications will be reviewed, and final decisions made by the Common Council before March 31, 2023.
2023 Hudson Events Committee Application
To contact the Common Council Events Committee, please email Events Committee Chair:
Original source can be found here.